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    MAO : Les nouveautĂ©s Mac/Apple.

Message  { par L”kas *

News de derniĂšre minute :

La sortie du Mac Mini à base de processeur Intel (4 x plus rapide) dans la soirée de ce mardi 28 février sur l'Apple Store (France).

Une machine idéale pour faire de la MAO sur Mac avec un petit budget !

La sortie des Mac Intel est trÚs accélérée par rapport à ce qui était prévu par Apple.

En téléchargeant une application pour windows (.exe) sur Mac, avec Safari, je constate que Safari reconnaßt le .exe comme une application, et qu'il me demande si je souhaite vraiment le télécharger...

OS X ne reconnaĂźt lui-mĂȘme pas le .exe.

Je me demande si cette question est due au fait que Virtual PC peut exécuter les .exe, ou si la raison est que les prochains Mac-Intel/Mac OS pourront grùce à leur nouvelle architecture exécuter les applications Windows.

Ce serait en effet un + extraordinaire pour les Mac, qui seraient alors capables de tout exécuter, du monde Mac et Windows, alors que les PC/Windows ne sauraient lire que les fichiers Windows.

Si quelqu'un a l'explication, ou une info, ou a entendu une rumeur sur la question des .exe sous les futures Mac-Intel/Mac OS, qu'il n'hésite pas un instant à la partager avec nous! :)

En tout cas, Apple aurait intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  le faire (et, si possible, ne pas rendre l'option payante et sans vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© aux virus PC). 
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   - L”kas * -
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
Messages : 1590
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Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *

Voici le lien :


Pour ceux dont le budget est limité, il est plus que jamais possible de faire de la MAO sur Mac...
(ça va switcher)
1.5GHz Intel Core Solo or 1.66GHz Intel Core Duo processor
Apple Remote with Front Row
Up to 2GB memory4
Intel GMA950 graphics processor
DVI connector, VGA adapter
Slot-loading optical drive
Up to 120GB hard drive4
Built-in gigabit Ethernet
Analog and digital audio
Expansion via USB and FireWire
iLife ’06, Mac OS X Tiger
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   - L”kas * -
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
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Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *

Bon, c'Ă©tait donc bien cela ! La nouvelle est Ă©norme. Nous allons pouvoir installer Mac OS ET Windows sur les nouveaux Mac-Intel :

L'annonce de MacBidouille.com :
Windows XP sous MacIntel... par Apple ! [MĂ J] - MacEnsteph - 15:05:00 - RĂ©actions

Apple vient juste de lancer officiellement la béta de Boot Camp, son logiciel maison permettant de faire tourner XP et qui à n'en pas douter va faire couler beaucoup d'encre virtuelle ! (merci à jtaittinger).
Le soft est disponible au téléchargement ici (83 Mo).

[MàJ] Quelques informations complémentaires...
Boot Camp sera intĂ©grĂ© Ă  LĂ©opard (OS X 10.5). Il permet de repartitionner le disque dur si celui-ci n'a qu'une partition unique pour y installer spĂ©cifiquement Windows XP, sans devoir tout reformater et perdre ses donnĂ©es. Comme avant tout grosse manipulation, nous vous conseillons quand mĂȘme de faire une copie de sauvegarde de vos donnĂ©es.
Avant toute chose, il faut veiller à bien respecter le processus d'installation du logiciel (cf. le guide d'installation) et bien sûr posséder une version de Windows XP Home ou professionnelle, SP 2.
Une fois l'installation réalisée, il sera possible de choisir au démarrage soit XP soit OS X et XP tournera de façon complÚtement native.
On peut aussi espérer que dans un futur proche ce soft supportera également Linux !

Boot Camp intÚgre par défaut un certain nombre de pilotes audio, vidéo (etc.) permettant d'utiliser pleinement Windows XP, ce qui va réjouir tous les gamers !
Quelques matériels et fonctionnalités ne sont cependant pas (encore ?) pris en charge :
‱ les camĂ©ras iSight
‱ la tĂ©lĂ©commande Apple Remote
‱ le modem USB Apple
‱ le rĂ©tro-Ă©clairage du clavier des ordinateurs MacBook Pro.

Pour finir, les utilisateurs habituels de Windows XP ne devront pas pour autant oublier leurs bonnes vieilles habitudes concernant les virus et spywares en tous genres. En effet, "Windows running on a Mac is like Windows running on a PC. That means it’ll be subject to the same attacks that plague the Windows world. So be sure to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes."
On ne peut pas avoir Windows sans ses inconvénients !

Boot Camp Beta: Requirements, installation, and frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Boot Camp Beta lets you install Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition or Professional with Service Pack 2, or later, on an Intel-based Macintosh computer, in addition to an existing Mac OS X installation. After running Boot Camp Beta and installing Windows XP, you can switch between Windows XP and Mac OS X by holding Option (Alt) key when you start up. You can also use the Startup Disk control panel in Windows or Mac OS X Startup Disk preferences to set the default operating system to use each time the computer starts up.

The Boot Camp Assistant Beta creates a partition just for Windows XP without erasing your existing Mac OS X information. Boot Camp Assistant Beta also burns a CD with drivers for Windows XP so you can use your Mac's built-in graphics, USB, audio, Bluetooth, Ethernet, AirPort, and more. The drivers are automatically installed when you insert the disc into your Macintosh after you install Windows XP.

Warning: Boot Camp Beta is preview software licensed for use on a trial basis for a limited time. Do not use Boot Camp Beta in a commercial operating environment or with important data. You should back up all of your data before installing this software and regularly back up data while using the software. Your rights to use Boot Camp Beta are subject to acceptance of the terms of the software license agreement that accompanies the software.

Important: Apple does not provide technical phone support for using Boot Camp Beta, burning the Macintosh Drivers CD, or installing Windows XP. Support is available on Apple's website. Fee-based support agreements are not available for Boot Camp Beta.


To use Boot Camp Beta, you need:

An Intel-based Macintosh computer with a built-in or USB keyboard and a built-in trackpad or USB mouse
Mac OS X 10.4.6 or later
The latest firmware update available for your Intel-based Mac
At least 10 GB of free space on your startup disk (single partition)
A full, single-disc version of Windows XP Home Edition or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later

Important: Your Windows XP installation disc must include Service Pack 2 (SP2). You cannot install an earlier version of Windows and upgrade it to Windows XP, nor install an earlier version of Windows XP and update it with SP2 later. See below for more information.

Note: Boot Camp Beta does not include Windows XP. You must provide your own, properly licensed,Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation disc.

Boot Camp Assistant (will be installed in /Applications/Utilities/)
A blank, recordable disc (to create the Macintosh Drivers CD)

Before installing Boot Camp Beta

Before you install, follow these steps:

You should always backup important data before you begin any software installation, especially beta software.

Print the "Boot Camp Beta Installation & Setup Guide" PDF document that is included on the downloadable Boot Camp Beta disk image. It contains important information you'll need while installing Windows XP.

Update your Intel-based Mac to the latest version of Mac OS X (Mac OS X version 10.4.6 or later is required).

Search Apple Downloads to download and install the latest firmware update available for your Mac. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the firmware installation.


For specific installation steps, refer to the "Boot Camp Beta Installation & Setup Guide" PDF document that you printed, starting with "Step 2: Running Boot Camp Assistant."

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions in this article and others. Click on a topic of interest.

Frequently asked questions: Installation and partitioning
Why can't an upgrade version of Windows XP or a full version of Windows XP that does not include Service Pack 2 (SP2) be used for installation?
During installation, the Windows XP installer asks me to format the Windows partition using NTFS or FAT. Which should I use?
I used the wrong Windows disc during installation and now it is stuck in the drive. How do I eject it?
While installing Windows XP, I see that my hard disk has several partitions. Which one should I install Windows XP on?
I can't use "Install Macintosh Drivers for Win XP.exe" on the Macintosh Drivers CD because this alert appears: "There is no default application specified to open the document 'Install Macintosh Drivers for Win XP.exp'."
My Windows XP volume appears on the desktop when I'm started up in Mac OS X, but I can't rename it or copy files to it.
While installing Windows XP, this message appears: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME".
How is the Windows XP partition created?

Frequently asked questions: Starting up
How do I choose which operating system to start up (boot) into?
My computer starts up to a black screen with white text that states "No Boot Disk Attached". What can I do?
Windows XP is unable to startup and is asking me to press any key to continue, but nothing happens. How do I fix this?
In the Windows XP Startup Disk control panel, external FireWire and USB startup disks are not recognized.

Frequently asked questions: Drivers, Macintosh features within Windows XP, other
What is included on the Macintosh Driver CD?
Are there any Macintosh features that I should not expect to work when running Windows XP on an Intel-based Macintosh computer?
I have purchased music and video from the iTunes Music Store. Do I have to authorize my computer in Mac OS X and in Windows XP?
Why is the time different between Mac OS X and Windows XP on my computer?
The Digital Audio (S/PDIF) output LED is always on when running Windows XP. How do I turn it off?
While booted into Windows XP, I still hear sound coming from the built-in speaker even with headphones plugged in.
Why don't CDs and DVDs eject using the Eject key on my Apple keyboard when running Windows XP?
In Windows XP, the Brightness keys on my keyboard stopped working after I changed keyboards.
Why do there appear to be more display resolutions available in Windows XP than in Mac OS X?
In the Windows XP Startup Disk control panel, removable disc icons such as CDs or DVDs appear even after they are ejected.
I can't use my Apple keyboard to make the Euro symbol to appear in Windows XP.
Where can I get support for Boot Camp Beta or the Macintosh drivers?
Can I provide feedback to Apple about Boot Camp Beta?

Frequently asked questions: MacBook Pro-specific questions
Windows XP will not install correctly on my MacBook Pro when an Apple Mighty Mouse is plugged in. Is there a workaround?
Why does the battery charge seems to run down faster when using Windows XP than when using Mac OS X?
I use my MacBook Pro with the lid closed in Mac OS X. Can I do this while running Windows XP?
The delete key on my MacBook Pro acts like a Backspace key. Is there a workaround?
Does the MacBook Pro trackpad work the same in Windows XP as it does in Mac OS X?
The Show Pointer Location animation doesn't work on MacBook Pro running Windows XP.
I have a MacBook Pro with a built-in JIS keyboard but the Input method keys do not work in Windows XP.

Frequently asked questions: Mac mini-specific questions
After installing Windows XP on my Mac mini, the visible screen is very small.
When running Windows XP on a Mac mini connected to an LCD display, can I adjust the picture to eliminate black space around the screen?
Hot-plugging or unplugging a TV display into or from a Mac mini results in a black screen or out-of-sync display. How do I recover?
My Mac mini will not hibernate when running Windows XP while in sleep if a Mighty Mouse is connected.
When connected to a TV, my Mac mini does not wake up after going to sleep.
The Windows Startup Disk control panel doesn't always show the same default startup disk as the Startup Disk Preference pane in Mac OS X.

Frequently asked questions: Installation and partitioning

Why can't an upgrade version of Windows XP or a full version of Windows XP that does not include Service Pack 2 (SP2) be used for installation?

You would be required to insert your original Windows CD during installation, however there is no way to eject the first disc until after Windows installation is complete and the drivers from the Macintosh Driver CD created by Boot Camp Assistant Beta are installed. Important: Boot Camp Beta is designed to support only Windows XP Home Edition and Professional with SP2. The required Macintosh-specific drivers provided by Apple are only intended for these releases.

During installation, the Windows XP installer asks me to format the Windows partition using NTFS or FAT. Which should I use?

If the partition is 32 GB or smaller, you can use either FAT or NTFS. If it's larger than 32 GB, then you can only format it using NTFS. Mac OS X can read and write FAT volumes, but only read NTFS volumes. Refer to the Windows XP documentation if you are not sure which best suits your needs.

I used the wrong Windows disc during installation and now it is stuck in the drive. How do I eject it?

Restart the computer and hold the mouse button. The disc will eject.

While installing Windows XP, I see that my hard disk has several partitions. Which one should I install Windows XP on?

Use Partition C: . Warning: Do not create or delete any partitions, or select any partition other than partition C:. Doing so may delete the contents of your Mac OS X startup volume.

I can't use "Install Macintosh Drivers for Win XP.exe" on the Macintosh Drivers CD because this alert appears: "There is no default application specified to open the document 'Install Macintosh Drivers for Win XP.exp'."

You can only run this program while using Windows XP. To install the drivers, insert the Macintosh Drivers CD immediately after successfully installing Windows XP. The installer should start automatically. You only need to install these drivers once.

If you have AutoRun turned off, double-click the "Install Macintosh Drivers for Win XP.exe" file.

My Windows XP volume appears on the desktop when I'm started up in Mac OS X, but I can't rename it or copy files to it.

If the Windows volume was formatted using NTFS, Mac OS X can read it but not write files to it or rename it.

While installing Windows XP, this message appears: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME".

In some cases, the Windows installer may incorrectly consider an erased volume with stale NTFS/FAT32 data as a valid filesystem. To fix the volume, start the computer using Mac OS X and use Disk Utility to erase the Windows XP partiton with the Zero Out Data security option. This option can be found under Security Options in the Erase pane of Disk Utility.

How is the Windows XP partition created?

Boot Camp Assistant lets you easily create a partition for Windows XP to use without erasing your Mac OS X information. Boot Camp Assistant only works with an Intel-based Mac that has one hard disk partition. Boot Camp Assistant creates a second partition on your existing startup disk for the Windows XP operating system. You can choose the size of the Windows partition when running Boot Camp Assistant Beta, but it must be at least 5 GB and leave at least 5GB of free space on the disk for the Mac OS X partition.

For example, if you have an 80 GB hard drive with 50 GB of space in use (30 GB free), your Windows XP partition can be between 5 GB and 25 GB (30 minus 5) in size.

Note: Boot Camp Assistant does not erase your existing partition or existing Mac OS X installation when it creates a new partition for Windows XP.

Important: Do not use Disk Utility or third-party disk utilities to partition the drive before using Boot Camp Assistant--these will erase the disk.

Frequently asked questions: Starting up

How do I choose which operating system to start up (boot) into?

After running Boot Camp Beta and installing Windows XP and the Macintosh Drivers CD, you can switch between Windows XP and Mac OS X by holding Option (Alt) key when you start up. You can also use the Startup Disk control panel in Windows or Mac OS X Startup Disk preferences to set the default operating system to use each time the computer starts up.

My computer starts up to a black screen with white text that states "No Boot Disk Attached". What can I do?

This means that the Windows partition is not bootable. Restart the computer and hold the Option key down to select your Mac OS X volume. Refer to the "Boot Camp Beta Installation & Setup Guide" PDF document to reinstall Windows XP.

Windows XP is unable to startup and is asking me to press any key to continue, but nothing happens. How do I fix this?

The Windows volume may be unusable or missing. You may need to reinstall or restore Windows XP on your computer. See the "Boot Camp Beta Installation & Setup Guide" PDF document for information on reinstalling Windows XP.

In the Windows XP Startup Disk control panel, external FireWire and USB startup disks are not recognized.

External FireWire and USB disks will not be recognized by the Startup Disk control panel in Windows XP. If you want to start from a bootable external disk, hold the Option key as the computer starts up, then select the external disk.

Frequently asked questions: Drivers, Macintosh features within Windows XP, other

What is included on the Macintosh Driver CD?

The Macintosh Drivers CD includes drivers to support these within Windows XP:

Intel Chip Set Software (6.2.1)
ATI Graphics (
Intel Integrated Graphics (
Marvel Yukon Ethernet (
SigmaTel Audio (1.0.4889.0 nd375 cp1)
SigmaTel Audio proto_A2 (1.0.4889.0 nd375 cp1)
Atheros 802.11 wireless (AirPort) (
Broadcom Wireless (
Apple Bluetooth module (
Apple Keyboard Eject Key (
Apple Keyboard Brightness (for computers with built-in displays) (
Startup Disk Control Panel for Windows XP (

Are there any Macintosh features that I should not expect to work when running Windows XP on an Intel-based Macintosh computer?

Even after installling the Macintosh Drivers CD, the Apple Remote Control (IR), Apple Wireless (Bluetooth) keyboard or mouse, Apple USB Modem, MacBook Pro's sudden motion sensor, MacBook Pro's ambient light sensor, and built-in iSight camera will not function correctly when running Windows.

I have purchased music and video from the iTunes Music Store. Do I have to authorize my computer in Mac OS X and in Windows XP?

Yes, you need to authorize one computer for Mac OS X and one computer for Windows XP if you wish to play music or video in both operating systems, even though the operating systems are installed on the same computer.

Why is the time different between Mac OS X and Windows XP on my computer?

The Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems handle your computer's date and time information differently, so the date and time may be different when you switch operating systems. For best results, use a network time server and resync the date and time whenever you switch operating systems. In Mac OS X, use the “Set date & time automatically” option in the Date & Time preferences. In Windows XP, click the Update Now button in the “Date and Time Properties” control panel.

The Digital Audio (S/PDIF) output LED is always on when running Windows XP. How do I turn it off?

The Digital Audio output can be manually disabled by opening the SigmaTel control panel and deselecting the Enable Digital Output checkbox in the Advanced tab.

While booted into Windows XP, I still hear sound coming from the built-in speaker even with headphones plugged in.

The Boot Camp Beta audio driver for Windows XP does not currently support rerouting sound.

Why don't CDs and DVDs eject using the Eject key on my Apple keyboard when running Windows XP?

The Apple Keyboard Eject Key software may not be installed. Make sure you have installed the Macintosh Drivers CD as described above and in the "Boot Camp Beta Installation & Setup Guide" PDF document.

In Windows XP, the Brightness keys on my keyboard stopped working after I changed keyboards.

Brightness keys may stop working if you disconnect your keyboard and attach a different one. If this happens, reinstall the Macintosh drivers from the Macintosh Drivers CD to resolve the issue.

Why do there appear to be more display resolutions available in Windows XP than in Mac OS X?

Mac OS X may limit the number of resolutions it shows to only those that it recommends.

In the Windows XP Startup Disk control panel, removable disc icons such as CDs or DVDs appear even after they are ejected.

In Windows XP, removable disc icons remain in the Startup Disk control panel (which is installed with the Macintosh drivers) even after they are ejected.

I can't use my Apple keyboard to make the Euro symbol to appear in Windows XP.

Currently, Boot Camp Beta does not allow an Apple keyboard to type a Euro symbol in Windows XP. Consider pasting the symbol from a different document instead.

Where can I get support for Boot Camp Beta or the Macintosh drivers?

Apple does not provide phone-based assistance for Boot Camp Beta or the Macintosh drivers for Windows XP. Refer to web-based support options on Apple Support as well as articles in the AppleCare Knowledge Base. Fee-based support agreements are not available for Boot Camp Beta.

Can I provide feedback to Apple about Boot Camp Beta?

Yes! You can send an email with comments and feedback to (bootcamp@apple.com). Note that this is not a support-related email address.
Boot Camp Beta: MacBook Pro frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Learn answers to frequently asked questions about using Boot Camp Beta on a MacBook Pro. Note: Boot Camp Beta lets you install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac. For more information about Boot Camp Beta, see Boot Camp: Requirements, installation, and frequently asked questions.

Windows XP will not install correctly on my MacBook Pro when an Apple Mighty Mouse is plugged in. Is there a workaround?

Use the MacBook Pro's built in trackpad until after Windows XP is installed and Windows recognized the mouse.

Why does the battery charge seems to run down faster when using Windows XP than when using Mac OS X?

Mac OS X includes power management optimizations that are not available in Windows XP.

I use my MacBook Pro with the lid closed in Mac OS X. Can I do this while running Windows XP?

Yes. Using the ATI Catalyst display settings installed by the Macintosh Drivers CD, set the external display as the primary display and disable the internal (MacBook Pro) display. You can close the lid and still use the MacBook Pro.

The delete key on my MacBook Pro acts like a Backspace key. Is there a workaround?

In Windows XP, the Delete key on the MacBook Pro is mapped to the Backspace key. Use an external keyboard with a Delete key or Windows-compatible software that can remap the Backspace key to Delete.

Does the MacBook Pro trackpad work the same in Windows XP as it does in Mac OS X?

Basic tracking works, but acceleration, scrolling, and right-click support are not available in Windows.

The Show Pointer Location animation doesn't work on MacBook Pro running Windows XP.

This is a known issue in Boot Camp Beta. It is not supported in this release.

I have a MacBook Pro with a built-in JIS keyboard but the Input method keys do not work in Windows XP.

The input method keys on a built-in JIS keyboard on a MacBook Pro are not supported in Windows XP. Use an external, localized JIS keyboard.
Boot Camp Beta: Mac mini frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Learn answers to frequently asked questions about using Boot Camp Beta on a Mac mini in this article. Note: Boot Camp Beta lets you install Windows XP alongside on an Intel-based Mac. For more information about Boot Camp Beta, see Boot Camp: Requirements, installation, and frequently asked questions.

After installing Windows XP on my Mac mini, the visible screen is very small.

Make sure you have installed the Macintosh drivers for Windows XP from the Macintosh Drivers CD.

When running Windows XP on a Mac mini connected to an LCD display, can I adjust the picture to eliminate black space around the screen?

Some display resolutions do not entirely fill the screen.

Hot-plugging or unplugging a TV display into or from a Mac mini results in a black screen or out-of-sync display. How do I recover?

Restart the computer.

My Mac mini will not hibernate when running Windows XP while in sleep if a Mighty Mouse is connected.

This is a known issue. If hibernation while in sleep is important to you, use another mouse as a work-around.

When connected to a TV, my Mac mini does not wake up after going to sleep.

Disconnect the Mac mini from the TV before putting the computer to sleep when running Windows XP.

The Windows Startup Disk control panel doesn't always show the same default startup disk as the Startup Disk Preference pane in Mac OS X.

This is a known issue. Simply choose the appropriate icon to set the default startup disk.
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   - Alex -
Membre â™Ș
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Message  { par Alex

Classe! Avec l'argents que j'aurais mis de cÎté de cette été, je vais pouvoir m'acheter un mac!
Il faut dire, les logiciels de musiques sont exceptionnels sur ce support ( je pense dĂ©jĂ  au cĂ©lĂšbre Garage band ... ) je pense aussi aux logiciels de montage vidĂ©o mĂȘme s'ils sont hors de prix ... quoique imovie est compris dans la mĂ©moire du mac ...

Enfin, c'est petit, c'est chouette, mais je devine que l'Ă©cran se vend sĂ©parĂ©ment! :x 
          - Compositeur .org -       Forum des Compositeurs : Musique et Composition
Deux intellectuels qui discutent assis iront mois loin qu'un idiot qui marche.
Mes compos : Ici!
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   - L”kas * -
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☆ Team â™Ș | WM
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Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *

Salut Alex,

Le mac mini peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© avec des accessoires PC (clavier, Ă©cran, souris, la plupart des pĂ©riphĂ©riques de stockage externes, des cartes son firewire/usb et interfaces MIDI usb, etc.). Et dĂ©sormais, les investissements passĂ©s dans les logiciels XP ne seront pas perdus. :) Il vaut mieux attendre encore 2 ou 3 mois, histoire que tout soit au point et que l'OS 10.5 soit sorti, pour qu'un maximum d'applications tournent sous Mac-Intel sans souci. Si non, les perf. de l'iMac (avec son superbe Ă©cran) deviennent trĂšs adaptĂ©es Ă  la musique, mais le prix lui, peut ĂȘtre moins adaptĂ©...

Enfin, en tout cas, il ne reste plus beaucoup de raisons de ne pas choisir un Mac. :) 
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   - Alex -
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Message  { par Alex

Merci beaucoup pour les infos Lukas, je vais surveiller de prĂšs l'Ă©volution de ce petit bijou ... 
          - Compositeur .org -       Forum des Compositeurs : Musique et Composition
Deux intellectuels qui discutent assis iront mois loin qu'un idiot qui marche.
Mes compos : Ici!
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   - L”kas * -
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
Messages : 1590
Enregistré le : 30/07/1978 21:15:00
Localisation : Hérault (FR-34)
Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *

C'est (tout juste Ă  l'instant) le MacBook Pro en version 17 pouces qu'Apple Ă  mis en ligne/en vente sur l'Apple Store. À peine plus cher que le 15", en fait pratiquement au prix du 15" Ă©quipĂ© de l'actuel processeur du 17". Les performances de la machine ne semblent pas significativement supĂ©rieures Ă  celles du 15 pouces.

Et on y note toutes fois une drĂŽle d'erreur :
Ecran panoramique de 15,4"
RĂ©solution de 1 440 x 900 pixels
Ecran plat panoramique de 17"
RĂ©solution de 1 024 x 768 pixels
L'erreur devrait ĂȘtre rapidement corrigĂ©e (la rĂ©solution du MacBook Pro 17" est de 1680x1050).

Vivement le 12", ou pourquoi pas un 7" ou 9" Ă  la rĂ©solution des 12", Ă©tant donnĂ© que ce serait possible, depuis plus d'un 1 an... 
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   - tchoyy -
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Message  { par tchoyy

Du windows sur du Mac....quel interet ? On se retrouve vite limitĂ© par le windows en fait....En gros, mis Ă  part l'Ă©ventuelle architecture particuliĂšre, tu ne travaillerais plus du un mac mais sur un PC.... J'arrive pas Ă  saisir l'interet... 
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   - L”kas * -
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
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Enregistré le : 30/07/1978 21:15:00
Localisation : Hérault (FR-34)
Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *

Tu peux switcher sur Mac sans perde tes logiciels incompatibles avec Mac OS. À Ă©quivalence matĂ©rielle et prix de la machine, Windows tourne mieux et offre plus de puissance sur un Mac.

Les tests montraient dĂ©jĂ  que Mac OS X/Mac accomplissait des tĂąches complexes plus rapidement qu'une configuration matĂ©rielle Ă©quivalente sous WinXP/PC. Les nouveaux tests prouvent que l'archaĂŻque Windows XP est plus rapide sur un Mac que Mac OS X ne l'est sur ce mĂȘme Mac. Cela est du, d'une part, au fait que Windows XP est moins Ă©voluĂ©, et mis Ă  part le fait qu'il soit trop gourmand en RAM pour ce qu'il en fait, il consomme moins de CPU, et d'autre part, Windows XP est dĂ©veloppĂ© pour tourner sur le plus large Ă©ventail possible de configurations PC, ce qui nĂ©cessite beaucoup d'optimisations : sur un machine aussi parfaite qu'un Mac, Windows XP nage comme un poisson aidĂ© par le courent...

Mac OS est incontestablement l'OS le plus évolué qui soit, et grand nombre d'applications y sont plus stables, certaines ne sont pas portés sur Windows, tout y est mieux pensé, plus pratique, beaucoup plus ergonomique. L'activité du CPU est plus réguliÚre, etc.

Le seul bon point que je connaisse Ă  un PC est qu'on peut se faire une configuration exploitable pour moins cher. Ce sont des machines "utilitaires". L'avantage de Windows est la diversitĂ© des softs proposĂ©s (peu sont vraiment bons, les bons ont gĂ©nĂ©ralement un Ă©quivalent sous Mac OS, o y sont portĂ©s, on en trouve certains bon sous Mac OS qui ont des concurrents, mais pas de rĂ©el Ă©quivalent sous PC, comme Logic Pro qui appartient dĂ©sormais Ă  Apple), et les diverses optimisations du systĂšme sont Ă©galement un + pour Windows (dont la compatibilitĂ© avec de la ram de mauvaise qualitĂ©, qui du coup lui vaut une moins bonne gestion qu'un Mac). Cela dit Apple prĂ©voit d'utiliser, en plus, le mĂȘme type d'optimisations pour encore amĂ©liorer les perf de Mac OS, au niveau graphique par exemple.

On peut préférer un Mac pour la musique, et avoir besoin de Windows pour certaines appllications spécifique (Cubase par ex) non-portées sur Mac OS. Le fait que Windows soit utilisable sur un Mac peut donc dispenser d'acquérir un nouveau PC en plus d'un Mac (à moins qu'une utilisation simultanée soit requise). L'investissement fait dans les logiciels Windows n'est pas perdu lors du switch PC/Mac. Il faut aussi noter que Windows tourne sans émulation sur un Mac-Intel...

Personnellement, cette bonne nouvelle me soulagera (le portefeuille) puisque j'achĂšterai moins de PC et toujours autant de Mac. J'avais un powerbook et un pc ultra-portable, qui seront eux aussi remplacĂ©s par une seule machine, etc. Sans compter que les Mac tombent BEAUCOUP moins en panne que les PC en usage intensif. Et ça, vu le nombre de Mac et de PC (Asus, HP, IBM, etc.) que j'utilise depuis des annĂ©es, je peux l'assurer. 
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   - L”kas * -
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
☆ Team â™Ș | WM
Messages : 1590
Enregistré le : 30/07/1978 21:15:00
Localisation : Hérault (FR-34)
Compositeur pro depuis : 01 mai 1992
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Message  { par L”kas *


Pour info, il n'est pas totalement exclus que :

Des Mac de gĂ©nĂ©rations futures puissent faire tourner des applications Windows au sein-mĂȘme de Mac OS (sans Ă©mulation) ou que Windows (du moins une partie) tourne carrĂ©ment DANS Mac OS. Les infos que j'ai pu obtenir Ă  ce sujet sont limitĂ©es, mais il est possible que BootCamp ne soit qu'une solution de transition ou qu'il reste une option.

(À l'encontre de certaines rumeurs, Apple confirme qu'elle ne souhaite absolument pas voir tourner Mac OS ailleurs que sur des Mac).

Qu'Apple sorte des MacBook Pro 12" alu dotés d'un clavier rétro-éclairé, d'une caméra, d'une télécommande, d'E/S audionumériques optiques, et d'une carte vidéo assez puissante (128 Mo mini, en espérant 256), et que cette sortie tardive soit due à des problÚmes techniques (espace et refroidissement + consommation) et commerciaux (vente des MacBook 13").

Ces infos sont bien sûr à prendre comme des rumeurs.

De plus en plus de gens font connaßtre sur Internet leur désire d'utiliser un ultraportable Mac, ou un équivalent de tablet-PC version Apple. Aucune autre info de ce cÎté, si ce n'est que cela serait techniquement envisageable.
(personnellement, j'en rĂȘve depuis longtemps... en attendant, vive les Palm...)

Pas d'info du cÎté de MIMO et des futures évolutions du sans fil chez Apple. (si vous en avez...)

Pas d'info non plus à propos d'une future génération de MacBook Pro 17" enfin dotée d'un pavé numérique. (ce qui n'a l'air de rien, mais serait trÚs utile dans bon nombre d'applications pro).

L'avenir apportera son lot de réponses...

Si vous avez des infos intéressantes sur l'évolution de ces machines ou ses applications MAO, n'hésitez pas...

À bientît. ;-)

PS : Pour le fun...
Protos concept MacBook mini, postés par un internaute, probablement français d'aprÚs le menu Mac OS, sur un blog ApplePro japonais.


Il devient effectivement difficile de loger un DVD, toute la connectique et un trackpad classique dans un si petit espace, mais l'idée reste néanmoins séduisante. :)

Ajout :
DerniÚres infos comme quoi il serait possible que les MacBook Pro 12" sortent un peu aprÚs les Core 2 Duo* sur MacBook Pro, alors que les MacBook resteraient plus longtemps équipés de Core Duo de premiÚre génération. Celà justifierait en effet une différence de prix, la possibilité de "tasser" davantage les composant CM et Carte Vidéo dans un 12" (le Core 2 Duo sera plus rapide et chauffera moins grùce à une gravure plus fine), et évitera qu'un model ne fasse trop d'ombre à l'autre.

*Intel sort le Conroe (Core Duo 2) d'ici 15 jours.

Certains préfÚrent patienter, car possible que les prochaines machines Apple soient équipées de ses processeurs d'ici 2 mois, soit pour l'Apple Expo... (nous verrons bien)

Autre ajout :
Voici une vidéo d'un projet à l'étude :
cliquez ici

Les bureaux 3D devraient faire leur apparition sous Windows Vista, sous Linux (KDE), dont certaines versions Béta sont disponibles avant leurs sorties officielles prévues pour 2007 (il semble que MandrakeSoft soit de la partie) et trÚs probablement sous un future Mac OS / Finder.
(Apple faisant gĂ©nĂ©ralement des choses plus belles, plus ergonomiques, plus fonctionnelles et mieux finies, ça promet... :) ) 
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