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   - markvador -
Membre ♪
Messages : 8
Enregistré le : 17/01/2012 17:15:56

    vend bundle Special Edition Vol1

Message  { par markvador

Je vend le bundle complet special edition volume 1, qui comprend donc la version normale et la version "plus". Valeur du bundle : 535€. Je vend avec les choeurs sopranos (95€) , et le dongle USB (24€) avec toutes les licences chargées dessus. Valeur totale du pack 650€, je vend le tout pour 400€
Détail des articulations :

Solo strings

Staccato, short détaché, détaché, sustained
Sforzato, fortepiano, tremolo
Pizzicato, snap pizzicato, col legno
Trills, half and whole tone
Legato, portamento
Repetition performances, legato and spiccato
Fast repetitions, 3 speeds
Artificial harmonics, staccato and sustained
Ponticello, staccato, sustained, tremolo

Orchestral strings

Staccato, short détaché, détaché, sustained
Sforzato, fortepiano, tremolo
Pizzicato, snap pizzicato, col legno
Trills, half and whole tone
Legato, portamento
Repetition performances, legato and spiccato
Fast repetitions, 3 speeds
Artificial harmonics, staccato and sustained
Ponticello, staccato, sustained, tremolo
Con sordino, staccato, sustained, and tremolo (except basses)

Harp 1

Single notes, normal and harmonics

Woodwinds and brass

Staccato, portato, sustained
Fortepiano, sforzato
Trills, half and whole tone
Repetition performances, legato and staccato
Fast repetitions, 3 speeds


Single hits, rolls
According to instrument

Keyboards and tuned percussion

Single notes 
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